Welcome Concise Nursing School Endorser!

Everything you need to know to start calling deans & LCs and earn a nice commission!

What is ConcisePass?

How to get started

  1. Make sure you’ve sent Dada & Doc Uri a whatsapp message.
  2. Watch the following video, which explains everything you need to know.
  3. Train with TL-Chat, our brilliant AI no-sale coach! just ype “ring ring” to start a sessions!
  4. To join Slack, which is how we communicate, send us a Whatsapp or Viber message with your email address
  5. Read the FAQs 

Steps to take after Our first trainig Meeting

We would greatly appreciate it if you would take these steps after our meeting

Step 1 - Watch the Briefing video. Yes, again.

Explore the world of CIs and learn effective tactics to address their needs. Join Trina on this journey to growth and success.
Watch Here

Step 2 - Review notes, do your homework

After watching the Briefing video, review your training's notes, jot down probing questions (Why, Why, Why, How is it affecting you...) and complete the table below.
Click Here

Step 3 - Try ConcisePass yourself

If you haven't tried our innovative eLearning platform yet, please do it now! It's FREE, and we'd love to get your feedback and insights later. We'd also love to grant you 1 month of free access to ConcisePlus, with access to 3000 MCQs
Click Here

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Train now with TL-Chat, our fantastic AI-coach.

Just type "ring ring " to start!

  • TL Chat - shortcode: Hey! I'm TL Chat, I'll be your no-sale coach today. just start with "ring ring" and we'll start a call, afterwhich you can ask me anything, ask for guidance or feedback, practice reflecting and much more. Please type your name, then type "ring ring" and I'll be the CI and pick up the phone

TL Chat is thinking ...

Your fist time?

Join us on your first Training!

Ready to Set a meeting?
Use the right link!

If you are the one setting the meeting, don’t forget to enter your name as the School Endorser, in the Calendly sign up section

Briefing for AAS and SEs: Engaging with Clinical Instructors (CIs)

This is not recommended in Mobile view. Please use your Desktop to read through the AAS Briefing!

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dr. Rozen:




Meet on Facebook

Ma'am Dada:


+63 945 210 0814


Meet on Facebook



+63 917 888 2140


Meet on Facebook

Scheduale a coaching session

Use the following calendar to set a meeting with us!

a Coaching session with Dr. Uri

a Coaching session with Trina

a Coaching session with Dada

Ready to go-live?? Have last questions?

Book your go-live meeting with Dada

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